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课程评估由学校的制度研究办公室发布 end of each semester.  Faculty have access to their aggregate results for each semester they are listed as the primary instructor.  For course evaluations in the Fall 2019 and prior, faculty can access their aggregate results through SOAR.  Instructions for faculty can be found here: Instructions for Faculty

对于2020年春季和未来的课程评估,教师将能够 通过“水印学院成功”(以前称为“数字”)访问他们的综合结果 Measures).  Please see the Course Evaluation Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

指示所报告的单个类是否属于其中一个类别 given below.
有多种教学和/或授课方法的课程应报告 the majority (at
least 51 percent) method of instruction and/or method of delivery.

Column 1 - Method of Instruction - report the primary (majority) method of instruction in this column
A =学习州外课程指导或在美国大学进行的学术工作.S. state other than Mississippi

B =在国外进行的课程指导或学术工作 country other than the United States

C =讲座学生获得结构化的信息单元和相关材料 through direct contact with the instructor; typically considered the traditional classroom

毕业论文或论文学生研究一个特定的主题和个性化 在导师的指导下进行原创性研究,并努力完成一项研究 scholarly research document

E =研修班学生学习某一特定学科,并进行个性化的原创研究 在讲师的指导下,通过非正式讲座和交流成果 discussions

F =学生在教育中需要有短期的现场督导工作经验 学生的教学纪律要在教学经验丰富的人员的直接监督下进行 in the teaching profession

临床指导短期工作经验,通常与学生相关 主要领域,即由在该学科和重点领域经验丰富的人员监督 on the practical application of concepts and principles; typically associated with 生物学、物理学和其他科学,如生物学、化学、解剖学、心理学, etc.

I =由学生个人选择或设计的个人指导学习学术工作 经有关部门批准,在指导员的监督下, and usually undertaken outside the classroom structure; typically one-on-one interaction 

J =联合讲座/实验学生获得结构化的信息和伴随 材料通过直接与教师联系以及接受补充 课堂教学环境有利于相关的实际应用 principles and concepts

L =实验室学生在有利于实际应用的课堂环境中学习 of concepts and principles; typically associated with biological, physical, and other sciences such as biology, chemistry, anatomy, psychology, etc.

函授学生收到结构化的信息单位和相关资料 material completely through the mail; different from distance learning

短期工作经验,通常与学生相关 专业领域,即由在该学科中有经验的人监督 of study and/or practical experience

S = Studio学生在有利于实际应用的课堂环境中学习 of visual and performing arts such as art, music, dance, photography, etc. 


Column 2 - Method of Delivery - report the primary (majority) method of delivery in this column; this column should represent at least 51 percent of the method of delivery

F =面对面的学生接受大部分的课程指导和结构化 units of information by face-to-face contact with the instructor

V =录像带学生接受大部分的课程指导和结构化单元 of information by means of video tape

T =电话学生接受大部分的课程指导和结构化单元 of information by means of telephone or voice mail

E =电子邮件学生接受大部分课程指导和结构化单元 of information by means of E-mail

O =异步在线,学生接受大部分的课程指导和结构化
 Internet,或网络单位的信息,由基于网络的使用在线,Internet,或基于网络 methods; LIMITED TO ASYNCHRONOUS ONLINE COURSES

N =同步在线,学生接受大部分的课程指导和结构化 Internet,或网络单位的信息,由基于网络的使用在线,Internet,或基于网络 methods; LIMITED TO SYNCHRONOUS ONLINE COURSES

H =混合型学生通过混合式传统面对面的方式接受课程教学 and online delivery methods; the course is reasonably divided equally between traditional 面对面教学和在线教学没有明显的区别,两种交付方式 methods 

P =以印刷品为基础的学生接受大部分的课程指导和结构化单元 of information by print-based material delivered through postal mail or facsimile transmissions (typically correspondence)

R = CD-ROM students receive a majority of course instruction and structured units of information by means of compact disc

C =电视或有线学生接受大部分的课程指导和结构 units of information by means of television or cable television

S =卫星学生接受大部分课程指导和结构化单元 of information by (Digital, Analog, Direct) means of satellite

I =互动视频学生接受大部分的课程指导和结构化
units of information by means of real-time interactive video

计算机辅助教学学生接受大部分的课程指导 通过本地或专门的计算机,将信息组成结构化的单位 network

X =其他远程学习课程通过其他远程学习方式进行教学

STEM programs and CIP codes

IHL Interactive Data Portal

IHL Statistical Information
国际人道法系统简介,国际人道法快讯,国际人道法秋季入学情况手册,国际人道法学位手册, 国际人道法研究目录,秋季入学情况说明书(全州),拨款 自1952年以来的全日制教育,学时生产和全日制教育入学,学位-五年趋势 Data, Employee Reports, Tuition & Fees, Educational Achievement Council (EAC) Report Cards, IHL Degrees Awarded Books, and IHL Fast Facts)

IHL Administration Information

The following list contains institutions USM has indicated are peer institutions.  This list was updated in the Fall of 2019.

Bowling Green State University-Main Campus
Central Michigan University
Cleveland State University
New Mexico State University-Main Campus
Northern Illinois University
Old Dominion University
SUNY at Albany
The University of Montana
University of Akron Main Campus
University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of Hawaii at Manoa
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
University of Massachusetts-Boston
University of Memphis
University of Missouri-Kansas City
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
University of South Alabama
University of Toledo
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Western Michigan University
Wichita State University

Contact Us

Institutional Research
International Center 512
118 College Drive #5167
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

Hattiesburg Campus

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