


的 数学与自然科学学院 houses hands-on and experiential learning 空间,包括数学区.


电化学设施(博士. 苗)

的 Miao lab has the following major equipment:

  • ch660a型电化学分析仪
  • a CH 900B scanning electrochemical microscope
  • PAR 175通用编程器
  • a PAR 173 potentiostat/galvanostat coupled with a 电脑-controlled LabVIEW数据采集卡
  • BAS LC-3型安培检测器
  • 2个BAS CV-1B电位器
  • IBM EC/225伏安分析仪
  • 一种旋转电极系统
  • a quartz crystal microbalance apparatus (shared)
  • a home-made electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) instrument which consists of 滨松R928光电倍增管
  • a Brandenburg model 472R photomultiplier power supply
  • 基思利6514系统静电计
  • a Nikon TE2000-S inverted microscope coupled with a fluorescence detection system and a Roper Digital CCD camera (installed in a dark room)
  • Fisher Micro-master显微镜
  • a modified Spex Fluorolog-2 fluorimeter which can be used to measure the 光谱 generated either from fluorescence or ECL (installed in a dark room, the detector PMT can be 在~ -30°C下运行)
  • TD-20/20光度计
  • 泰克CFG253 3MHz函数发生器
  • In addition, the Holder lab has an Epsilon electrochemical work station.



  • 3个超低温(-70℃)冰柜
  • RO水净化系统
  • 液体闪烁计数器
  • 三个冷柜
  • 几个紫外/可见分光光度计
  • two fluorometers including a PTI FRET master I
  • 两个微量滴度板阅读器
  • 3台冷冻高速离心机
  • 2 Beckman L8 ultracentrifuges with a full complement 回转体
  • a Beckman Optimax tabletop ultracentrifuge, several microfuges
  • 两个Savant Speedvac浓缩器
  • pH值米
  • 平衡
  • 水浴锅
  • 一个冷冻干燥器
  • a number of gel electrophoresis devices for protein and nucleic acid separations
  • BioRad二维电泳装置
  • 等电聚焦电池
  • 法国压力电池
  • 两个超声发生器
  • a BioRad liquid chromatography Econosystem, Biologic and DuoFlow FPLC systems
  • various other column chromatography equipment
  • 两个二氧化碳培养箱
  • temperature controlled floor shakers and incubators
  • 气体混合器
  • 两个可控气氛室
  • four fermentors with pH and dissolved oxygen control
  • 一个photo-bioreactor
  • Millipore大型细胞浓缩器
  • 三个温度循环器
  • 三个杂交炉
  • 一个phosphorimager
  • an Olympus BX60 fluorescence microscope equipped with an Optronics DEI-470 color CCD camera and Diaswin image analysis work station
  • an Alpha Innotech image analysis and acquisition system
  • BioRad Versadoc成像系统
  • an Applied Photophysics SX18MV stopped flow spectrometer
  • a Malvern Instruments Nano-zeta dynamic light scattering system
  • a Reichard Instruments SR7000PC surface plasmon resonance spectrometer



的 departmental mass spectroscopy facility has a new Bruker Microflex MALDI-ToF equipped with PSD capabilities for peptide sequencing and a 软件套件 consisting of Flex Control, Flex Analysis, BioTools, and Polytools. 该软件套件能够 performing a MASCOT search to identify proteins from MALDI-ToF data. Polytools允许 for the analysis of synthetic polymers using MALDI-TOF data.

的re is also a new 的rmo Finnigan LXQ ion trap instrument equipped with an Accela 高效液相色谱和自动进样器. 的 LXQ is capable of MSN data acquisition using the Xcalibur 软件套件. 的 软件套件 on the LXQ comes complete with BioWorks and Mass Frontier, which allow for protein identification and the deconvolution of complex 光谱.



Adjacent to the mass spectroscopy core is a new 的rmo Fisher UV-Vis spectrophotometer, 的rmo Nicolet FT-IR, and a new PTI FRET Master II spectrofluorometer. (额外的 UV/Visible spectrophotometers, a polarimeter, and multiple HPLC setups can be found 在研究实验室里.)

Nearby is a workhorse Varian 300 MHz multi-nuclear NMR and the department has shared ownership of the 500 MHz NMR housed in the Polymer Science 研究 Center.

Newly installed instrumentation includes a 布鲁克400兆赫核磁共振 and a Bruker X-band EPR as well as a Jasco J-815 Spectropolarimeter (CD and ABS measurement modes).


A facility with two large autoclaves and a lab capacity dishwasher is shared with 生物科学系.


  • 大型反渗透水净化系统
  • a Packard Tricarb liquid scintillation counter
  • 两个紫外/可见分光光度计
  • four refrigerated high speed and two Sorvall Supraspeed centrifuges with full complements 回转体
  • 日立F-2000荧光计
  • 阿默舍姆台风9400磷成像仪
  • 蔡司LSM 510共聚焦显微镜.

Equipment in the School of Polymers and High Performance Materials.


  • an environmental scanning electron microscope with NORAN Vantage x-ray detector
  • 诺瓦晶体(检测下限- be)
  • Zeiss 9-2 transmission electron microscope
  • AMR 1000A scanning electron microscope with X-ray microprobe
  • Nikon optical polarizing microscopes with video and hot stage equipment
  • Digital Instruments Nanoscope IIIA Dimension 3000 atomic force microscope with Tektronixs 移相器560
  • 西门子XPD-700区域探测器系统
  • 单反射-吸收.)
  • two real-time FT-IR (Nicolet IR/42 and Bio-Rad FTS 25 FTIR)
  • 光声阶跃扫描FT-IR (MTECH) 
  • UV and Fluorescence Spectroscopy Facility includes:
  • a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 6 UV/VIS spectrophotometer interfaced to an Epson PC and steady-state 以及时间分辨荧光设备
  • 布莱斯-凤凰号通用光度计
  • 布莱斯-菲尼克斯差示折射计
  • Chromatix KMX-6 low-angle laser photometer with autocorrelator interfaced to an HP-85 电脑
  • Chromatix KMX-16 laser differential refractometer
  • Wyatt Dawn-Flow laser LSI in-line with SEC system
  • A Jeol JM2100 transmission electron microscope equipped with cryostage and goniometer and high resolution digital camera cluster was acquired recently.


文理学院 管理:

  • 现代化的动物设施
  • an on-campus scientific supplies storeroom
  • an electronics repair shop and a fabrication center

振子结构图书馆 拥有多个数据库,包括:

  • SciFinder Scholar(6个许可)
  • Science Citation Index (ISI web of Sciences)
  • Basis BIOSIS (Biological Abstracts, 4 licenses)
  • On-line access to all subscribed ACS journals and many ScienceDirect chemistry and 生物化学期刊也可用.




430链技术. (TEC)



