
School of 图书馆情报学

School of 图书馆情报学


Our graduates are professional librarians, archivists, and information specialists who make a positive difference in their communities across the country and internationally.  Our fully online programs include some unique features:

  • No out-of-state fees - online students pay the same tuition as residents
  • No required visits to campus (although we are happy to see students and graduates who drop by for a visit to our beautiful campus and offices)
  • 英国研究 each summer in London, an optional study-abroad course where students 可以获得6个选修学分
  • Synchronous classes meet online once each week in virtual Zoom classrooms where students may see, hear, and interact with the professors (scroll midway down the page to view 课表、课程描述).

LIS Bachelor of Science Degree Requirements

Master of 图书馆情报学 Degree Requirements 

学校图书馆连接 电子期刊





The mission of the School of 图书馆情报学 (SLIS) is to prepare a diverse population of qualified professionals for roles in libraries, archives, 以及其他信息环境.  Through evidence-based active learning, students gain appropriate knowledge, applied scholarship, and skills to serve the information 他们不同社区的需求.

The School of 图书馆情报学 is committed to:

以学生为中心的学习: We are committed to cultivating an active, student-centered learning community.

多样性: We recognize and value the diversity of modern society and support an inclusive 学习环境. We ensure principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion are cultivated to create advocacy for marginalized groups in the pursuit of social justice.

知识自由: We embrace the ideals of intellectual and academic freedom and strive to nurture an open, respectful 学习环境 for the free exchange of ideas.

服务: Because we believe that it is a core of the profession, we support service at all levels and encourage ongoing professional development as a means of enhancing skills 和知识.

社区: We believe in creating, fostering, and participating in learning and research communities that span borders on state, national, and international levels.

研究: We believe that research is an essential part of scholarship, not just for the creation of new knowledge but also for the support of teaching and learning and the sharing of new knowledge with multiple communities of interest.

评估: We embrace a culture of assessment and evaluation that drives continuous improvement in course delivery, curriculum, and life-long learning.

查看电流 SLIS Graduate Student Handbook, Policies and Procedures. (PDF)
SLIS Undergraduate Handbook, Policies and Procedures (PDF)

University of Southern Mississippi Policies (PDF)

请查看 教务处校历 重要日期.

Tentative Class Schedules (Subject to Change)

Spring 2024 Undergraduate Course Schedule (PDF)
春季2024研究生课程时间表 (PDF)

Fall 2024 Undergraduate Course Schedule (PDF)
2024年秋季研究生课程安排 (PDF)

Summer 2024 Undergraduate Course Schedule (PDF)
夏季2024研究生课程时间表 (PDF)

本科课程描述 (PDF)
研究生课程描述 (PDF)

研究生课程轮转 (PDF)
本科课程轮转 (PDF)

我们需要一台电脑来上在线课? 使用 www.戴尔.com/usm will show you recommended laptops and provides the following benefits: 

  1. Discounted pricing for USM students (and faculty/staff personal purchases). 它还 comes with Dell credits (E-Gift cards) for peripherals.
  2. 4-Year accidental damage extended warranty.
    a. Covers ANY damage to the device for 4 years and allows complete replacement once 每年.
    b. They will send technicians on site to make repairs within one or two days.
  3. Custom configurations available by program.
  4. The USM student configurations that we have as of this point can be found here: www.戴尔.com/usm and clicking on the "Shop Recommended Laptops" link.

The University of Southern Mississippi is the only institution in the state with a program accredited by the American Library Association. 图书馆学院 Information Science (SLIS) offers a Master of 图书馆情报学 (MLIS), two graduate certificates, and a Bachelor of Science in 图书馆情报学 (LIS)完全在线. Our graduates work in a wide variety of settings, including schools, colleges, universities, public libraries, government libraries, corporate libraries, hospitals, military, museums, archives and other information-related environments.


本科课程 在线(100%)


见见我们的教员  计划行程


School of 图书馆情报学

129 Fritzsche-Gibbs Hall
118大学博士. #5146





IMLS资助(2016-19)82,251美元. Griffis’ study of segregated Carnegie libraries 在民权运动之前的美国


211 students from 40 universities earned credit in 英国研究 LIS courses, 2007-18


108 columns, essays, and student research papers published in 学校图书馆连接 refereed 电子期刊,2012 - 18