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Personally Identifiable Information

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信息安全/保密-九游会国际的价值观 个人的隐私和积极寻求维护隐私权的人 share information with us. The University has adopted certain privacy policies and 在南密西西比州的任何和所有地方的个人身份信息的做法 (PII)以任何格式被创建、接收、维护和传输. PII is considered 可单独或与他人联合使用的敏感信息 information, to identify a specific individual. Privacy and public records obligations of the University are governed by state and federal law.


个人身份信息(PII)-分为中度敏感信息和 Highly Sensitive.  

中等敏感信息-一般可公开获取的信息 and/or information that may have been provided by the individual.  This information is typically referred to as Directory Information.   The following items are included 在中度敏感/目录信息中,并可能向公众披露 根据1974年的《家庭教育权利和隐私法. 

  • Student's Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • E-mail Address
  • 主要的
  • Dates of Attendance
  • Classification
  • Degree(s) Earned
  • Previous Institutions Attended
  • Participation in Student Organizations
  • Participation in University recognized organization and activities
  • Weight and height of athletic team member
  • Honors and awards
  • Student's photo
  • Dean's/President's List 

高度敏感信息-以下项目包括在高度敏感 information:

1. Names and Numbers:

  • Social security number
  • Date of birth
  • Mother's maiden name
  • Official state-issued or U.S.-issued driver's license or identification number
  • Alien registration number
  • Government passport number
  • Employer or taxpayer identification number
  • Medicaid or food stamp account number
  • Bank account number
  • Credit or debit card number
  • 由银行分配给借记卡持有人的个人识别号码或代码 issuer to permit the authorized electronic use of such card 

2. Unique biometric data such as:


3. Medical records 

4. Telecommunication identifying information or bulk records

       Examples include, but are not limited to, SOAR, SOARFIN, email

5. 其他可用于获取个人财务资源的号码或信息


个人可以选择“退出”并要求大学不要发布目录 Information.


但是,选择退出请求的后果应该在做之前考虑 so. 

For example, if a student has opted out of Directory Information: 

注册可能无法向任何外部来源(如潜在雇主)进行验证, colleges, universities or medical insurance companies. 
信息不会出现在任何官方大学出版物分发给 the public, such as a commencement program.  
在发布学术认可时,不会向媒体提供相关信息 announcements (President's List or Dean's List). 
高度敏感信息是指一般不公开的信息. 这些信息可能是您在填写注册表格时提供的 other form. 这些信息通常以加密格式存储和传输 to minimize the possibility of unintended disclosure. This information in combination 具有中等敏感性的信息可用于具体识别个人 未经个人和/或许可,大学绝不会披露 一项严格的协议,扩大了对信息的保护,防止潜在的泄露 or an order from a court of competent jurisdiction.

The Information Southern Miss Collects

当人员联系官方南小姐组件时,某些客户信息 may be collected. No information is collected unless it is deliberately provided by 个人(例如,通过留下他们的姓名和电话号码,通过填写 填写大学表格,或点击网页链接向九游会国际发送电子邮件). Examples 市民可选择向九游会国际提供的资料如下:  

  • Name, address, telephone number, and email address
  • 姓名,地址,电话号码和电子邮件地址的家庭成员和/或 朋友
  • Date of birth, ethnicity, gender, and country of origin
  • Height, weight, hair and eye color and blood type
  • 学历,包括就读的学校,获得的成绩和考试成绩
  • Financial profile, including income and assets
  • Employment history, including previous employers and duties
  • Credit or debit card and bank account information
  • 犯罪记录,包括定罪,服刑时间和缓刑情况

The Way We Use Information 

作为一般规则,九游会国际为个人保留各种类型的记录 based on their association with the University. The University also analyzes aggregate information for resource management and planning purposes. Southern Miss reserves 有权使用有关个人的详细信息来调查其资源 management or security concerns. 

个人身份信息用于准确编译、存储和检索 an individual's records; to place and track individuals appropriately for academic purposes, and to award academic degrees and honors; to properly employ individuals and compensate them for their work; to correctly diagnose and medically treat individuals; 适当地(或以个性化的形式)回应个人的要求 services; and to improve the University's services and products. 

根据密西西比州的公共记录法,我们拥有的大多数记录都是受 应公众的要求,由公众检查或向公众披露. Information 必须根据适用的联邦和州法律保留,并且必须可用 for inspection, unless otherwise exempt from the public records law.  

九游会国际使用个人提供的关于自己或他人的信息 否则,仅为完成该订单或请求而提出服务请求时. To 提高教育经验,大学与第三方共享这些数据 双方,在州和联邦法规的要求,与批准 of the University President. 

九游会国际通常使用回信地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址 only to answer the communications received. Such addresses are generally not used 任何其他用途,并根据大学和国家政策,不得与外界共享 parties, except in accordance with Public Record Laws.

Commitment To Data Security

九游会国际致力于防止未经授权的信息 获取、维护信息的准确性,并确保信息的适当使用. 我们努力建立适当的物理、电子和管理保障措施 确保我们以各种形式收集的信息:书面、电子和 verbally. 这些安全措施与大学的政策是一致的 以及密西西比州和其他州的法律和监管惯例 federal agencies.

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